Belarus – Electronicon – PPC – 250 pts
EN: This task is one of the methods for the psychological attacks. It is intended for people who don’t have heart diseases and reached 18 years 😉h4ck1t{flag.upper()}
As the attached file says, it was real pain. I opened the file in the browser and saw this horrible thing:
Looks bad and it crashed my browser. This text file was too big for it to handle. So I opened it on Notepad++ and it was’t any better:
Still terrifying and it was heavy for notepad++ also. But this time something catched my eye. Look at the rows panel on the left, it says only 1 line. Let’s cancel word wrap (View > Word wrap) and check what it is:
Aah ah! It was a HUGE ascii-art. How huge? 11 rows of 1830661 chars each! It’s a long hex string. So now we need to parse it. I tried using this module but without any success so I decided to go for the hard way. I parsed it myself.
First, I edited the file in order to make it easy for me to parse it. I wanted that every char will be in it’s own line. I wrote a script to separate the characters:
import os fin = open('pain.txt','r') fout = open('out.txt', 'w') splitted=content.split('\n') width=13 print len(content) for j in xrange(len(splitted[0])/width): for i in xrange(len(splitted)): fout.write(splitted[i][:width]+"\n") splitted[i]=splitted[i][width:]
Now let’s open the edited file with EmEditor that is capable of open large files and see how our file is looking like:
Good! Looks exactly like I wanted! Now in order to parse it we need to tell the code how every letter or digit is looking like so I started to define variable for each letter or digit with the matching ascii-art. It was something like that:
f_in = open('out.txt', 'r') ff = open('flag.txt', 'w') content = content = content.split("\n") f = content[0:11] # The letter f c8 = content[37:48] # The digit 8 ... # Another letters and digits ... # Another letters and digits ... # Another letters and digits index = 0 while True: lines=content[index*12:(index+1)*12-1] if lines==a: ff.write("a") elif lines==b: ff.write("b") elif lines==c: ff.write("c") elif lines==c0: ff.write("0") elif lines==c1: ff.write("1") elif lines==c2: ff.write("2") elif lines==c3: ff.write("3") elif lines==c4: ff.write("4") elif lines==c5: ff.write("5") elif lines==c6: ff.write("6") elif lines==c7: ff.write("7") elif lines==c8: ff.write("8") elif lines==c9: ff.write("9") elif lines==d: ff.write("d") elif lines==e: ff.write("e") elif lines==f: ff.write("f") index+=1
I took the long hex-string and paste in hex editor. It was this photo:
Well, that’s it. We got the flag and we now can rest in peace.
Flag: h4ck1t{1_L0V3_3P1C_F0NT$}