What is North Korea hiding?
Entering the URL I faced with only a sentence:
“We, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, have developed a revolutionary new security standard. The West doesn’t stand a chance.”
That’s all? I took a look at the source code (ctrl+u) to see if something is hiding, and indeed I saw a hidden button and a simple script:
<button hidden type="button">Retrieve nuclear codes</button> <span></span> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("button").click(function() { $.get('code', function(code) { $('span').text(code); }); }); }); </script>
I clicked the button and it gave me the content of “” which was a message: “Nice try kiddo”.
Well, I took a look again at the first message: “…The West doesn’t stand a chance.”. What about the north? What if i”ll set the X-Forwarded-For to North Korea’s IP? X-Forwarded-For is the conventional way of identifying the originating IP address of the user connecting to the web server coming from either a HTTP proxy, load balancer.
Curl --header 'X-Forwarded-For:' -i -k -L
And the response came with the flag:
Eat Veggies.